I is for Initializing a Conversation with Other Work at Home Professionals
As a work at home mom, it is important to have contacts who are other work at home professionals. You may need to have assistance with a project or need a reference for one of your clients. These contacts are also a great place to ask about new leads or advice. There are several places to get in touch and start initializing a conversation with other work at home professionals. There are all sorts of online places you can go to get in touch with the work at home community and several are dedicated to mothers. The following are three places to initializing a conversation.
H is for Having Fun While Being a Work at Home Mum
There are probably a million reasons you decided on a work at home lifestyle. As a mother, you wanted to be home with your children and actually get to see them grow, instead of having to shuffle them off to a daycare every day. You wanted more time to focus on your home and yourself. However, one of the reasons was surely not to fun while being a work at home mom. This is just a happy side effect of the work. You are probably asking what kind of fun you could possibly have while you are working. Well, there are several ways to have fun at home and still get your work completed.
Categories: All Blog Posts, Our A-Z Posts Tags: work at home, work at home mom, work from home, work from home mom
G is for Getting the Day Started With a Schedule
Organization is key in a work at home environment. As a mom, you already know the values of staying on schedule. There are after school activities, doctor appointment, play dates, field trips, and all sorts of other activities to keep straight. Therefore, incorporating your work at home duties into your schedule should be no problem. You have most likely been going through the day with a schedule anyway. When you begin to work at home and create your schedule, there are a few things to remember.
Work at Home Moms’ Schedule Reminders
F is for Finalizing a Contract before Starting a Project
One of the most important things a work at home mom can do is check every detail of the contract before finalizing it and starting the work. You will save yourself a lot of problems if you make this a regular habit. There have been many women left with no recourse after completing a project and the other party did not pay. You will not only be out the money promised, but out the time and effort you spent on it, which could have been used on another legitimate project. So you yourself a favor and continue to read on for some helpful hint to make contract finalizing second nature.
E is for Energizing Yourself Through Exercise and Events While Working at Home
Working at home comes with one big built-in problem. That is being at home where you are comfortable. This means it is a lot easier to feel tired or lazy on some days and as you are well aware, this can bring a halt to your whole day. Luckily, there are a couple of things you can do at home, that may not necessarily be done in a normal office or workplace setting. These easy to follow tips and tricks will help you with energizing yourself through exercise and events while working at home.
Stretch It Out, Before You Fall Out
Categories: All Blog Posts, Our A-Z Posts Tags: events, exercising, getting through events, having fun, mom, moms working, mum, mums working, working at home
D is for Doing it All as a Work at Home Mum
As a work at home mother you have to do it all or at least try to do it all. You are the supervisor, cook, housekeeper, personal shopper, child caregiver, taxi driver to your kids, and a contractor. If you stop for even a moment to think about it, you become overwhelmed. This anxiety can become even more pronounce when there are big projects due that coincide with life events, such as your child’s school play or ball game, a wedding or anniversary, or even an illness. These things can through your entire work at home world into a spin. However, there are a few preemptive steps you can take to lessen your stress and anxiety, should something come up.
C is for Continuing Your Workload Even When You’re Sick
Work at home mothers all know the privilege of being able to be at home at watch their children grow up, while still being able to earn a paycheck. You are there to see your child take his or her first steps, hear the first word, and develop a close bond with your baby. You can plan your work life around your family instead of the other way round. Being a work at home mom absolutely has its advantages. On the other hand, there is one big disadvantage to the dream and that is what happens when you’re sick. You are responsible for your assignments and job duties alone. There are no other employees to turn to, as you are at home and in essence, your boss. Below are some helpful tips to follow in the event you ever become ill.