Like Many Women I Have To Nag My Man To Do Anything

There’s nothing I hate more than having to nag at my man to get him to help out. I can’t stand it! I know I am not alone in this, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It gets old. Don’t they see how much we do for them? Why can’t it be an automatic thing for them to think that they should return the favor without having to be asked to do it? In order to get, you should give, right? He’s got to know that he should be doing something, why do I have to keep hounding him about stuff?

Posted by Admin - November 27, 2011 at 10:28 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters   Tags: , , ,

5 Lessons I Have Learnt From My Parents

Okay, if I had to pick 5 different things my parents taught me….I’d have to say 1) that change is good 2) to respect your elders 3) to be open minded 4) treat others how you would want to be treated and 5) that God loves me no matter what.

Change is good to me; I welcome it, encourage it, and love experiencing new things in life. I think that because of this though, I can get bored. I’m always looking for something new. Respecting my elders, I think everyone should learn that. They’ve been there, done that, all before we ever did. I think they have earned a certain level of respect and we need to show them that respect. This one took some time for me to learn or embrace, but I do believe it.

Posted by Admin - November 11, 2011 at 10:23 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters   Tags: , , ,


It is a common assumption by so many people that when they see someone that is successful they automatically think that this person is either lucky or that they have always had everything go their own way without any setbacks at all.

What these people don’t realise is that this is very rarely the case and the reason that people are succesful is the way that they handle their setbacks. Due to the very nature of someone who is trying to achieve their goals, they more than likely receive more set backs than the average person but instead of making them give up, it simply makes them stronger.

Posted by Admin - November 10, 2011 at 10:12 am

Categories: Reviews   Tags: , , , ,

10 Things I Love About Being A Stay At Home Mum

I absolutely love being a stay at home mum! There’s nothing better! I can go on and on about how great it is, but I’ll just name a few reasons here:

  1. I get to be with my kids. This would be a given, of course, that’s why we stay home right? But honestly, I think there are some mum’s that don’t really appreciate this, they just do it anyways. I love to be with my kids. They mean everything to me and being able to spend my day with them makes every day worth waking up to.

Posted by Admin - November 3, 2011 at 10:21 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters, Lifestyle   Tags: , , ,

The Art Of Enjoying A Fantastic Sunday With Your Family

Sundays can be such a wonderful day to spend with my family. I love Sunday’s just for this. No obligations, no work, just a day at home enjoying the ones I love. So, how do you do this peacefully? When one kid wants to run off with their friends, one kid wants to just watch television; one kid is steering clear of everyone and hiding in their room. Not to mention that Dad just wants to hang out in his garage or watch some sports.

Posted by Admin - October 18, 2011 at 10:19 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters, Lifestyle   Tags: , , ,

The Sad Reality Of A Working Mum

Being a working mum can be a challenge. You miss your kids and you worry constantly that whoever is caring for them will do as good of a job as you would. This is so common today though, it is a reality for many women. It can be very difficult to make ends meet on one salary alone.

The cost of everything has gone up and continues to rise. Being a working mum is nothing to be ashamed of though. I know many women who felt shame for leaving their kids with anyone else. But if it must be done it must be done. You should be proud to provide a better future for your kids.

Posted by Admin - October 10, 2011 at 10:17 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Lifestyle   Tags: , , ,

Children And Restaurants – The Unwanted Solution

Ever go to a restaurant, where they have a kids’ menu, and food is all over the floor, kids are eating and smacking their food with their mouths open, and you can’t hear yourself think because of the kid wailing in the booth a few feet away? What are parents thinking these days? What happened to controlling your kid? Why do they have to let everyone else in the restaurant be miserable just because they chose to not handle their kid with a little maturity?

Posted by Admin - September 24, 2011 at 10:06 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters   Tags: , , ,

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