My Best Kite – An Honest Review

I remember going out with my dad on a Sunday afternoon and the fun we used to have flying our kite. It was only a small plastic kite but I absolutely used to love it and I have often thought about buying one of these larger kites and showing my husband and son just what they have been missing.

Posted by Admin - November 22, 2010 at 7:43 am

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The School Playground For The Mums

You may think that when you leave school those days of play ground traumas are over for good, well they probably are, that is until your children start primary school and then you will find yourself thrust back into the world of back biting, cruel comments and gangs, only this time it is the parents who wait outside of the school for their children who are the culprits, not the children themselves.

Posted by Admin - November 14, 2010 at 7:28 am

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Are DVD Certificates Getting Too Harsh

As a big film lover there is nothing more enjoyable to me than to relax after a hard day at the computer and sit down to watch a film on DVD. I absolutely love films and it would be safe to say that there are not many of the more well known films that I haven’t seen.

I was asked an interesting question the other day though, and that was  ‘Are DVD certificates getting too harsh’. To be honest, it is not really something that I have paid much attention to because if I am getting a film for myself and my husband, as we are both over 18 I don’t really even look at the certification but if I am getting DVD for my young son, it is a completely different matter and I abide by the certification to the letter.

Posted by Admin - November 6, 2010 at 3:30 pm

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The Piano Garden Method Review – Slow And Steady Vs. Overnight Success

There are lots of products available that claim to teach a person to play the piano from the beginner level to an intermediate level extremely quickly without any other lessons. Many of these guides are not worth the pages they are printed on. It can be very difficult to tell what’s good and what’s going to be a waste of time and money. I came across the Piano Garden Method recently and was pleasantly surprised at how straightforward it is. The product is offered by Marc Johann who says his goal is to produce as many piano players and teachers as possible. This product was released not only as an easy guide for beginners to learn to play the piano, but for instructors to use as a lesson manual when teaching their students.

Posted by Admin - October 29, 2010 at 8:55 pm

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Be Powerful, Think Positive – An Honest Review

Theories abound, about this mindset and at last, someone – who has ‘been there and done that’, has produced an authoritative work on the subject matter about how to gain and develop it.  Oliver Dodd didn’t have the easiest starts in life. He had to overcome Asperger Syndrome which he suffered from an early age, which essentially means that he had serious problems with social interaction.   Can you imagine how mortifying it feels for any child to not belong, to feel strange and somehow not deserving of the same treatment as other children? Like everyone else he just wanted to fit in. He just wanted to be accepted and be normal. But day after day he’d wonder aloud, “Why me?”

Posted by Admin - October 29, 2010 at 6:31 pm

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Does Enjoying The Peace And Quiet Make Me A Bad Mother

I can honestly say that I  love absolutely everything about family life but sometimes I really do enjoy the peace and quiet when I am in the house alone. I’m not talking about long periods of time but the odd couple of hours every now and again when I can sit down and have time to think or even just relax and read a magazine or a book.


Posted by Admin - October 21, 2010 at 3:23 pm

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My husbands special running assignment with my son

My husband has come up with some plans in his time, some of which just didn’t work even though he was so determined to prove me wrong. When he mentioned to me about an idea for my sons birthday I didn’t think he would go through with it.

The idea was to take our son down the park on his scooter because he is so active he loves a lot of exercise but like everyone you don’t always feel like exercise yourself at the same time or you are feeling abit under the weather, my husband wanted to time our son around the park on his scooter.

Posted by Admin - October 13, 2010 at 5:28 pm

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