A Letter to Santa

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"P is for Picking Out the Right Home Office Equipment"

Dear Santa

As Christmas is fast approaching I have started thinking about preparations for the festive season. Gift buying is, of course, at the top of my mind. With two children to buy for and a vast array of requests for what they want, I have been thinking about the true of meaning of gifts and what I consider to be reasonable in terms of what you might give to my children.
You see Santa, I have been struggling a little bit with some of the gifts that I know that you present to other children. So I have a request – it is quite a simple one. Is it possible to limit the ‘value’ of the gifts that you so kindly bestow on all of the good children in this world? In case you are puzzled by my request let me explain.

Posted by Admin - October 12, 2016 at 2:16 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters, Lifestyle   Tags: ,

Why People Fail – An Honest review

Turn Your Failures into Success – A Practical Guide

As a working mum, one of the things that I often find the hardest to achieve is time for myself. However I try to make a point of having some time out almost every day and I do this by reading books that are of personal interest to me. Often I will read for half an hour prior to going to sleep at night and more often than not I will read something to motivate, inspire and re-energise myself mentally. This helps to give my mind something to work on while my body is resting to help refocus myself for the next day.
Being a work-from-home mum I find this especially important because I am my sole motivator and my time is limited. Making the best use of my time every day is critical to be able to achieve my goals – especially the one to spend more quality time with my family. Working on my mindset is just as important as any other skill that I may need to improve or fine tune.
Recently I came across a book that grabbed my attention because of the title. The title was not the usual positive “How to succeed…”, ‘How to be Positive…”, 7 steps to a Greater You…’ etc etc. This one stood out because it said “Why People Fail”. The title is deliberate.
This book explores the 16 key ways in which people set themselves up for failure. It is written by Siimon Reynolds and is based upon his many years of studying all of the areas that he discusses. Often with examples of his own personal experience. They are so easy to relate to. And gives you great ideas for addressing these ‘failings’ without overwhelming you with a lot of mumbo-jumbo. This book provides an easy to understand, practical approach to working on the keys areas that might be holding you back from great success.
I would highly recommend this book – I regularly refer to it when I find that I am slipping off course or losing focus.

Posted by Admin - April 5, 2014 at 12:47 pm

Categories: Lifestyle, Reviews   Tags:

Confession of a BAD Working Mum

Where is the Tooth Fairy when you need her……..

I will not be winning any parent of the year awards. The Tooth Fairy is going to report me and there will forever be a black mark against my name. As a working mum I should be in the running but that has now been completely obliterated.

Posted by Admin - February 7, 2013 at 2:56 am

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Dealing with Anger – The ‘Bad’ Emotion

Understanding Anger

I have always struggled with the idea that anger is a bad emotion.  Our emotions seem to get categorised as good and bad.  A happy emotion are considered good and an unhappy emotion are somehow considered bad.

Labelling anger as a bad emotion suggests that it is not okay to get angry.  Somehow we are supposed to keep these ‘bad’ emotions in check. Throughout our lives we are consistently told: ”Don’t get angry”, “Don’t be angry”, “Stop being angry”, “Life’s too short to be angry”.

Posted by Admin - February 6, 2013 at 10:53 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters   Tags: , , , ,

Who is Superwoman?

"Quick & Who is Superwoman?"

Superwoman – The Modern Day Working Mum

Who is Superwoman?

As a modern day working Mum I have been on a quest. I am the mother of two primary school aged children. A wife to a man who has his own company which presents it owns demands and for which I do the bookkeeping. I am a housekeeper – I cook, clean, organise, plan ahead and keep the household on course. I work. I have a career as a Senior Executive and manage a team of people in a very demanding environment. The hours at times are horrendous (people in my office joke that I work until ‘stupid-o’clock’ most nights). I am a friend, a daughter, a sister etc. I do try to fit in social time amongst everything I need to get done. I also do a number of hours working from home on websites and writing blogs!

Posted by Admin - January 25, 2013 at 2:21 am

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Quick & Easy Meal Options for Work at Home Moms

"Quick & Easy Meal Options for Work at Home Mums"

Work at Home Moms Need Easy Meal Options

Is that the pizza delivery person at the front door again? If you are a work at home mom, the answer is most likely yes. As you already know, most of your day is spent taking care of your family and your choice of at home work. Eating healthy may seem simple to do. However, when 5:00 pm rolls around and you have let the day get away with your working at the computer, going the easy route and calling out for dinner or popping a few hot dogs in the microwave seem like great options. Well, in the long run, this will only hurt your health and bank account. Happily, there are some things you can do to eat healthy that are quick and easy.

Posted by Admin - June 27, 2012 at 12:59 am

Categories: All Blog Posts, Healthy Eating   Tags: , , , ,

P is for Picking Out the Right Home Office Equipment

"P is for Picking Out the Right Home Office Equipment"Before you run out and buy everything in Office Depot or Walmart for your new home office, you need to stop and evaluate your needs. Many new work at home moms are so focused on getting their office set up, they never think about the things they absolutely need, such as the right computer, phone equipment, headsets, fax machine, scanner, copier, or an all-in-one machine. Also, office supplies can be overlooked as well. May WAH mothers forget to purchase extra ink or toner, and paper. Your home office should be comfortable and reflect you, but you have to be sure it functions properly.

Posted by Admin - June 27, 2012 at 12:56 am

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