What Are The Needs Of A Working Mom?
If you are a working woman and have a household to manage as well, then you may find the task a tedious one until and unless you plan your routine with care. Planning is very important if you want to succeed at your job and maintain the respect of the family. To avoid inconvenience, you should write the schedule of each day on a wall calendar. This will keep your partner informed of your routine and will know whether you will be there to take care of the child on that particular day.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: challenges of a working mom, what are the needs of a working mom, working mom, working mum
How Is It To Be A Working Mom?
Nowadays, women are working side by side with men in all fields. A couple of years ago, women were contented with performing their job only as a mother, but that is no longer the case. Women also want to actively participate in the affairs of the state and contribute to the economy. This trend is more prevalent in Western countries where women are not willing to give up their jobs even after becoming mothers. The attraction of money for some couples is just too much due to which mothers continue working in their respective profession.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: working mom, working mom challenges, working mother, working mum
Attributes Of A Working Mom
Being a mother is a privilege, but with this privilege comes a big responsibility. Being a mother requires that you become sensible and say farewell to carefree life. As a working mother, you may even be required to say good bye to your friends in order to devote more time and energy to your kids. The ability to say ‘no’ is a big attribute of a working mom. You should keep time wasters away from yourself, because time is money. Any family member, relative or friend who wastes your time and results in diverting your attention away from core responsibilities is your enemy and not your well wisher.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: attributes of a working mom, busy, mum, working mom, working mum from home
Why Mothers Get the Blame for Everything
Admittedly, mothers get the blame for all that is wrong in the life of their children. When they got weight problems, it is often attributed to the quality and type of meals prepared by them. Even when the children are not good on a particular subject, the accountability is still passed to the mothers maybe because she did not breastfeed her children.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: blame, blog, mother, working mom, working mum
The Art of Juggling Work and Mummy Duties
I may not be working in a typical office where I have to work from 9 o’clock in the morning until six in the evening but I know how it is to juggle multiple tasks in a daily basis. I work as a fulltime mother to my seven-year old son, wife to my husband and the overall in-charge of my various online businesses. I get tired too, just like any other mothers out there working in a 9 to 6 job. But unlike some of them, I am happy and still have plenty of time to spend playing with my son and chatting with my husband.
Categories: All Blog Posts, Family Matters, Lifestyle Tags: busy, mommy, working and mum, working mom, working mum
Working mom home management
As a working mom it is absolutely vital that you make sure that your home life is running smoothly and this is where working mom home management comes in. If you don’t plan your days like clockwork you will find that it will cause lots of unnecessary stress and arguments within the family.
To start with you should plan your weekly shopping and what you and your family will be eating on every working day. There is nothing worse than coming home tired and stressed only to find that there is nothing to eat and you have to go out again to sort something out. You should really prepare any meals in advance and if possible just put them in the freezer and take them out the night before.
Categories: Lifestyle Tags: home management, working mom
Real Life isn’t how it appears in the movies
We have all seen the films that portray the average family with the mother who could have been a model and the children who look like they have just stepped out of a children’s clothes catalogue, everyone is dressed immaculately without a worry in the world, and their days are spent laughing and having a great time.
I’m sure that I don’t need to tell you that the family life portrayed in the movies is not a typical snapshot of what life is really like. You will often see other families and imagine that their life must be absolutely perfect but you should realise that everyone has their problems and issues, and it really boils down to how you cope with it.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: movies, real life, working mom