K is for Kicking Back and Relaxing to Rejuvenate Yourself
In order for you not to become burned out, you have to incorporate time for kicking back and relaxing to rejuvenate yourself. Work at home mothers are in no way immune to the stresses of a work environment, such as deadlines and a heavy workload. In fact, they may become more stressed and overwhelmed at times, because they are working and providing their own childcare. Try these simple relaxing tips and unwind for a while.
You Are Never Too Old For a Bubble Bath
Categories: All Blog Posts, Our A-Z Posts Tags: family, fun, getting relaxing, refreshing, rejuvenation, spending time together, spending time with family
J is for Just Spending Time With Your Children
One of the great things about being a work at home mom is just spending time with your children. This is truly a luxury many moms that have out of the home traditional job simply do not have. This is the main reason there are more and more WAH professionals: Family. Mothers and fathers that are out of the home and have to rely on daycare and babysitters miss out on most of their children’s first milestones, such as walking and their first words. In addition, the cost of childcare has not gotten any cheaper even though the economy is poor. So, when you combine the two, many mothers are left with only one logical option and that it to work and be at home with their children.
Spending Time with Your Kids
Working at home is a true challenge and spending time with your kids is even a larger challenge. Family is everything and that’s why moms and mums all over the world are making an effort to make family first. It’s no secret that people have bills to pay, and that means work has to get done. When work gets done, then families can eat and pay their bills. How can a mom spend time with her kids and work from home?
Work When They Are Sleeping