F is for Finalizing a Contract before Starting a Project
One of the most important things a work at home mom can do is check every detail of the contract before finalizing it and starting the work. You will save yourself a lot of problems if you make this a regular habit. There have been many women left with no recourse after completing a project and the other party did not pay. You will not only be out the money promised, but out the time and effort you spent on it, which could have been used on another legitimate project. So you yourself a favor and continue to read on for some helpful hint to make contract finalizing second nature.
E is for Energizing Yourself Through Exercise and Events While Working at Home
Working at home comes with one big built-in problem. That is being at home where you are comfortable. This means it is a lot easier to feel tired or lazy on some days and as you are well aware, this can bring a halt to your whole day. Luckily, there are a couple of things you can do at home, that may not necessarily be done in a normal office or workplace setting. These easy to follow tips and tricks will help you with energizing yourself through exercise and events while working at home.
Stretch It Out, Before You Fall Out
Categories: All Blog Posts, Our A-Z Posts Tags: events, exercising, getting through events, having fun, mom, moms working, mum, mums working, working at home
Attributes Of A Working Mom
Being a mother is a privilege, but with this privilege comes a big responsibility. Being a mother requires that you become sensible and say farewell to carefree life. As a working mother, you may even be required to say good bye to your friends in order to devote more time and energy to your kids. The ability to say ‘no’ is a big attribute of a working mom. You should keep time wasters away from yourself, because time is money. Any family member, relative or friend who wastes your time and results in diverting your attention away from core responsibilities is your enemy and not your well wisher.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: attributes of a working mom, busy, mum, working mom, working mum from home
Why I love the idea of the 1950’s mum
Even though I live in a very modern world, I have always had old fashioned beliefs and I have been fascinated by the 1950’s and their way of life. The 1950’s was full of positive thoughts after getting over the affects of the second world war.
Most importantly women had been given the opportunity to be allowed to work and look after their children at the same time. There was no longer this question over their ability to be able to pull off both tasks on a daily basis. The ladies of the 40’s and 50’s changed it for us so that we would be given the chance to have our cake and eat it.
Categories: All Blog Posts Tags: 1950's, confessions of a working mum, mom, mum, mummy, working mum